Easter is Hope for All!
At Hope Church, we believe in the good news of Jesus Christ. We want to follow Him, be transformed by Him and do what He said. Our mission to love God, love others, and share hope follows His greatest command, second greatest command and His great commission to those who follow Him.
Our church family is warm and welcoming- so wherever you are in your journey, our door is open and there’s a place for you!
Westerville is our community, but we are part of a bigger family of churches called the Christian and Missionary Alliance - a family with the vision to share all Jesus for all the world by caring for suffering and overlooked people through 2,000 U.S. churches and more than 700 international workers serving in 70 countries.
Join us in person! We’d love to host you. Find service times, directions, and everything else you need to know when visiting us for the first time by clicking the button below.
Our team of pastors and ministry leaders are here to provide spiritual guidance and support - as well as resources to help you follow Jesus.
Check out this month's events to find out what's happening and how you can be involved. Explore the full list of upcoming ministries and services.
Explore the life of our church including our ministries, life groups, upcoming events, and service opportunities.